I'm orginally from the Seattle area. I've lived in Alaska and South Carolina. I'm not afraid to get out of my comfort zone which lets me explore new places and experience new things.
My passion for tech started when I was growing up as a curious kid. When I watched TV or turned on my N64, my first thought would be "how does this work?". Technology seemed like the closest thing to magic. To this day I'm still learning new things. When I'm not hunting down bugs or working on my own projects, I'm sitting on the couch eating Cheez-Its and watching tech conferences on Coding Tech.
My freetime usually consists of me yelling at the TV because I died from lag. I play a variety of games from Super Smash Bros and Zelda to GTA and Battlefield. When I'm not gaming, I'm usually outside fishing or hiking with my dogs and wife. Occasionally I'll get addicted to a new show on Netflix and binge watch every episode (Breaking Bad, Walking Dead, SHIELD, Lost, Prison Break, etc.).
BS Computer Science
SC LIFE Scholarship